

熊野 亘 / Wataru Kumano
1980年生まれ。2002年よりフィンランドへ留学し、Lahti Polytechnic家具デザイン科を経て、
ヘルシンキ芸術大学大学院家具デザイン科にてMA取得、2008年に帰国。現在、 留学中から
交流のあったプロダクトデザイナーJasper Morrison氏のアシスタントとして東京で働く傍ら、
Born in Tokyo in 1980. In 2002, He left for Finland, then completed Furniture Design programme
at the UIAH University of Art and Design Helsinki in 2008. Since returning to Tokyo,
He has been working for British Designer Jasper Morrison and established his own studio ”KUMA” in 2009.
His approach to design has both simplicity and functionality, which is inspired from his stay in Finland. 
触れるものを大切に作ったソファ。 長い時間をかけて馴染み、いつ見ても新鮮なソファ。
そんな思いから”small table" は生まれました。

きっと"small table"が新しい生活の景色を切り取ってくれるでしょう。
The sofa is located in the middle of your daily life and your place.
The sofa has that one may be able to cherish feelings of what one sees and touches, when sitting in it.
The sofa takes time to adapt itself to the surrounding, although it always has fresh face.
The “small table” was created by such thoughts.

The couch for where you feel comfortable, and the sofa for where people are gathering.
The “small table” would frame a new scene of the living.